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About Us

Turning Interest Into Action

A group of volunteers feeling compelled to provide betterment in their community of agriculture establish an organization. On December 21, 1949 the Province of Alberta issued the original Certificate of Organization to “Athabasca District Agricultural Society”. This is our legal registered name. We are to use this legal entity on all correspondence and financial information.

In June 1952 the Athabasca District Agricultural Society was charted by law under the authority of the Agriculture Societies Act of Alberta and will be governed by the following regulations (Athabasca Agricultural Society By-Laws) in compliance with the Agriculture Societies Act of Alberta.

Our volunteer presence in this community has been long active. Our objective of a Society is to encourage improvement in agriculture, and in the quality of life of persons living in an agriculture community by developing programs, services and facilities based on the needs of the agriculture community – as stated in the Agriculture Societies Act of Alberta.


Athabasca District Agricultural Society further specific objectives also include:

1. To sponsor meetings and short courses on agriculture, horticultural and homemaking subjects.

2. To assist in the development of leadership in our community through sponsoring training activities and opportunities for 4-H Clubs, Pony Clubs, youth groups and volunteers.

3. To provide an opportunity for local producers to display and market products.

4. To improve the Quality of Life in our community by sponsoring or supporting cultural events.

5. To be aware of changing needs of people in our community and to adjust our programs to accommodate change and encourage other community resources to do the same.

6. To support and co-operate with other community groups involved in programs for the betterment of the community.

7. To sell, manage, lease, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with property of the society within the limits of the Agriculture Societies Act.


We are also involved in these other areas once a year or when the time or need arises:

1) Harvest Celebrations (50 year Farming Awards)

2) Athabasca Horse Show (Part of the North Country Circuit)

3) Public Courses & Seminars (Topics vary each year)

4) Edwin Parr Composite High School (Graduation scholarship)

5) Athabasca 4H Beef Club (Use of Agriplex & Fairhaven Big Coulee Complex)

6) Agriplex & Fairhaven Big Coulee Complex (Facility rentals)

7) Casino (Fundraising in Fort McMurray)

8) Clean Up & Maintenance

9) Activity Volunteers (Events planned during the year)



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Contact Us

Email address:


Mailing address:

Athabasca District Agriculture Society

PO Box 1688 STN Main

Athabasca, AB T9S 2B4

Hall Bookings

Contact Cassie (Admin)  780-689-7617

Arena Bookings

Contact Cassie (Admin)  780-689-7617

Physical address:

Highway 813 & RR224, Athabasca, AB, Canada

Click here for a map and directions

©2024 by Athabasca District Ag Society.


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