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Advertise along Highway 813

1 and 3 year terms available 

You are responsible for designing and printing the sign 

All signs are subject to approval by Alberta Highways and the Board of Directors


1 Year Term - $1000 +GST

3 Year Term - $2500 + GST


If you’d like to get a sign along our Fence, please fill in the form below or get in touch at

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We will be in touch in the next 7 days. Please check your spam/junk folder for updates 

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Contact Us

Email address:


Mailing address:

Athabasca District Agriculture Society

PO Box 1688 STN Main

Athabasca, AB T9S 2B4

Hall Bookings

Contact Cassie (Admin)  780-689-7617

Arena Bookings

Contact Cassie (Admin)  780-689-7617

Physical address:

Highway 813 & RR224, Athabasca, AB, Canada

Click here for a map and directions

©2024 by Athabasca District Ag Society.


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