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Josh Nichol A Horseman’s Pursuit Ltd.


Josh Nichol is a widely sought out clinician and horse trainer across the globe. His training style called Relational Horsemanship™ combines a deep understanding of the needs of horses, movement dynamics, human behavior and more. Josh’s approach gives simple and understandable solutions to often complex problems, empowering riders of all levels to find success with their horses. Whether you are a barrel racer, ranch roper, jumper, trail rider or top level competitor, Josh’s style will help you uncover that missing piece you’ve been looking for. His approach centers around a connection with the horses, building a bond of trust and clarity between horse and handler. Horses who have gone to his clinics come away with a more confident and peaceful perspective of their world and riders come away with tools and philosophies to help them grow in their horsemanship.

Josh’s business is called a Horseman's Pursuit because he believes that becoming a great horseman is a never-ending pursuit. To help others along the journey, Josh offers a variety of services including in-person clinics, virtual lessons, video courses, and access to online instructors, trained by Josh. Josh offers a variety of clinics including two cattle clinics a year at Eagles Wing Ranch in Meanook, AB (near Colinton). The cattle clinics are an amazing opportunity to learn how to calmly and effectively move cows, grow your horses’ confidence and build a stronger connection with your horse while you participate in a fun clinic!

The format for Relational Horsemanship Clinics with Josh vary depending on the host location and number of participants. In the 7 Person Individual format, each rider gets one hour of individual instruction with Josh per day. Riders are encouraged to watch the rest of the lessons in order to soak up more of the training principles as they are applied to different horses. In the 9 Person Group format, every rider receives an individual assessment lesson on the first day of the clinic. At the end of day one, Josh intentionally divides the 9 participants into three groups and each group gets two lessons per day (one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon). The 9 Person Group format is great for riders who are a bit more familiar with Josh’s work and benefit from having more time in the arena to try things out with Josh’s support.

Josh’s work focuses on meeting the needs of the horse so that you and your equine partner can work together more harmoniously. Josh works with people of all levels and disciplines, and helps you wherever you’re at. Relational Horsemanship™ is a journey for both horse and rider, bringing out the best in both and empowering the centered groundedness that is essential for good horsemanship.

Josh’s passion is to bring peace to the horses and unlock their best athletic potential. No matter where you are at in your horsemanship journey, you will gain knowledge of how to build a better connection with your horse, achieving the dreams you desire.

“When the muscles in a horse are developed around a calm and peaceful mind, the movement and development are entirely different than when motivated by fear and compulsion. When done relationally, their natural posture will show and empower their balance in a magnificent way.” - Josh Nichol

Your horsemanship journey is unique, and Josh wants to ensure that you find the path that will take you and your horse exactly where you want to go.

You can find out more about Josh at or find him on Instagram @ahorsemanspursuit and Facebook at Josh Nichol A Horseman’s Pursuit Ltd.

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